Thank you for visiting the site. I'm Christopher Owens, a.k.a. "StarMan". I'm an artist, businessman, chef, and woodworker living in the charming village of Chester Conn.
My life and art have taken me to the far ends of the world, Kayaking, Hiking, Restoring Lighthouses (see Jimmy Buffett's book, A Salty Piece of Land!) pizza restaurants, and finally Company 77 my pizza firetruck in Hollywood cooking for the stars!
This is a new project for me and I'm thrilled to share all I'm doing with you. I moved to Chester, CT in 2018 after 10 years cooking off a retro-fit vintage firetruck in LA for the Hollywood stars. In 2019, I started working with stars of a different sort, making them for a Chester Historical Society fundraiser. The stars went celestial and then the Coronavirus hit. Spirits needed lifting. So I once again partnered with the Chester Historical Society to make more stars to raise money for the local food pantry, but also added hearts to the mix, in recognition of our healthcare and frontline workers, teachers, food suppliers, and heck all of us.
When I'm not making stars and hearts, I make whimsical custom outbuildings and furniture, which I hope to showcase here. I look forward to meeting you. In the meantime, maybe you'll order your own star or find your heart in Chester.
Stay well.